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Time for a Parts Room Audit? CMMS Software to the Rescue!

Time for a Parts Room Audit? CMMS Software to the Rescue!

It’s common for public agencies to have their parts inventory audited on a regular basis.

Typically, these audits occur annually by taking a random selection of items and comparing the inventory numbers in the computer to the actual items on a shelf.

The purpose isn’t really to find problems or assign blame. Instead, the goal is to use our software audit tools to determine if an agency’s inventory audit procedures are in place and effective, so you can make changes to improve.

An audit also can reduce overstocking and understocking because of inaccurate data, plus it helps reduce the opportunity for theft.

CMMS Software Helps You Prepare

Inventory has a reputation for being “a can of worms” in our field. And that’s not without reason.

The key? Finding the type of inventory audit procedure that works for your organization and using the power of your CMMS software audit tools to implement it.

CMMS software is the best way for maintenance and facility management teams to prepare for inventory audits. CMMS software helps in several ways…

  1. Preparation Time: Scheduled audits require gathering paperwork beforehand, which can be tedious and time-consuming when it involves sifting through stacks of paperwork. With CMMS software, accurate reports are easy to pull together in just minutes—saving a lot of time and frustration.
  2. Verifiable Data: CMMS software records all your parts tracking, stocking, ordering, and inventory processes with every work order. When it’s time for an audit, the data is easier and faster for auditors to verify.
  3. Easy Access: Instead of pulling out binders of paperwork, auditors can sit down at a computer to find the information they need. With CMMS software, the answers are at their fingertips.

CMMS Software Improves Inventory Management

Here at MPulse, we recommend making inventory as easy as possible with barcodes, scanners, and our new smartphone camera barcode scanning feature.

Scan the part. Scan the asset. That’s all you need to do to link inventory to a new or existing work order record. Plus, your team can enter inventory items as they arrive and automatically track who is performing work.

Often, I hear customers worry about the effort involved in implementing an inventory control management system. Setting up the system does take time, but the gain far outweighs the initial pain. Let the power of CMMS do the hard work, and you’ll see the rewards when it’s audit time.

As with most things, being prepared makes the experience easier and a positive outcome more likely. How can CMMS software help your maintenance department improve inventory management? Leave a comment below or contact us.

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