Angie Miller Trains MPulse Customers for Success

Angie Miller Trains MPulse Customers

When MPulse customers want to jumpstart their new software implementation or update a current one, our software education services team is there to help them get the most out of MPulse.

Angie Miller, MPulse software trainer and our MPloyee of the Quarter, travels to customer sites about twice a month. She also works in our on-site Training Center at MPulse headquarters the rest of the time. Angie’s job is to help customers find the best ways to use MPulse to make maintenance operations more efficient.

It’s a job that she loves, partly because of the chance to meet and help MPulse customers on site.

“I’ve traveled all over the country, from Boston to Washington State,” Angie said. “I’m not there to tell them how to do their job. I’m there to help them use the software to make their lives easier.”

Fair Warning

Angie joined MPulse in October 2018 after spending most of her career in technical training and employee development. She was attracted to the job after reading MPulse’s job posting, which included a taste of the company’s well-known wit: “Fair warning, our employees love working here so much, they almost never leave.”

“I wanted to stay in education,” Angie said. “I loved the idea of connecting with customers and meeting new people all the time. MPulse is a great environment. I love my job, and I love the people who work here.”

When she’s not traveling or working, Angie participates in a local kick boxing organization, which focuses on fitness and community service. The group holds events to raise money for Ophelia’s Place, a local organization that helps girls make healthy life choices by building skills around health, technology, art, and leadership.

It’s an area where her work and personal life mesh, as MPulse provides three comp days a year for employees to give back to the community.

Angie moved to Oregon from Utah when her husband received a job opportunity. The move has been a great fit for the Millers, who enjoy rock crawling and off roading in their Jeeps. They also spend weekends hiking and camping with their 9-year-old son.

And it’s this work-life balance that Angela really appreciates.

“MPulse understands that even though I travel a lot, when I’m home, I’m a mom,” she said. “It’s nice not to sacrifice my family for a career.”

MPulse’s MPloyee of the Quarter honors our employees who are making a positive impact in the company by inspiring others and building engaging, long-lasting relationships with our customers.

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