Integrating Oracle into MPulse CMMS Software

Integrating Oracle into MPulse

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Data sharing goes a long way in keeping your maintenance department running smoothly.

While your CMMS software gathers and reports on maintenance data, sometimes you also need data from other departments, which use different software. And, other departments often need your maintenance data in their systems too.

Software system integration can help you with both these situations.

System Integration and CMMS

Software integration brings different types of software together, therefore making it easier to gather and share data between different systems.

Common business situations where software integration with CMMS software makes sense include integrating financial data from the finance department, or employee data from human resources.

These days, every company relies on an assortment of systems to capture, store, and report on activities and transactions across the enterprise. Oracle is one common system used by many organizations, for instance.

CMMS Integration with Oracle

Oracle, from Oracle Corporation, is a relational database management system. For example, Oracle’s different product editions include several options like Standard Edition, Enterprise Edition, Express Edition, and Personal Edition, depending on the user’s need.

This multi-model relational database management system is mainly designed for enterprise grid computing and data warehousing. Its database is also known as simply Oracle also.

Software integration with Oracle and your CMMS software enables you or your IT team to quickly and easily move data in and out, depending on your needs.

MPulse’s DataLink Integration Adapter feature easily integrates with Oracle, enabling users to do things like…

  • Import data to the CMMS software from files, databases, or other applications
  • Export data from the CMMS software to other applications, files, or databases
  • Schedule imports and exports based on times or file changes
  • Save “mapping profiles” to your data sources and targets

Benefits of Integrating with Oracle

Tight integration between CMMS software and your other business-critical applications and data stores like Oracle will do more than reduce hassle. You’ll also enjoy these benefits…

  • Fewer errors due to manual data entry
  • Reduced data input redundancy
  • Faster response times to maintenance problems
  • Near real-time monitoring of critical data
  • The ability to grow with your company’s changing technologies

Above all, MPulse DataLink Integration tools provide an easy way to connect your MPulse CMMS bi-directionally with Oracle, as well as accounting systems, meters and gauges, or other critical data sources.

Note that data integration is different from one-time import/exports, which commonly occur when the CMMS software is first integrated.

Have questions? We’re here to help. Contact us for more information about integrating Oracle and MPulse CMMS software.

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