Benefits of Unlimited CMMS User Licenses

MPulse Software, Inc - Blog - Benefits of Unlimited CMMS User Licenses

Traditionally, software is sold as a per-seat license. You’ve probably been buying software this way since your first computer. Of course, per-seat licensing requires you

Six Advantages of Role-Based Access Control

Six Advantages of Role-Based Access Control

All organizations have sensitive information. Therefore, the information your employees see should depend on their role in the organization. This is where Role Based Action

Integrating Microsoft SQL Server Into MPulse

Benefits of Integrating with Microsoft SQL Server

Sometimes your maintenance team needs data from other departments, which use different software. And, other departments often need your maintenance data in their systems too.

Expand Your CMMS To Multiple Locations

How To Expand Your CMMS To Multiple Locations

Expand your CMMS to multiple locations easily and avoid unique challenges. You want to ensure your maintenance processes, reporting needs, and data are the same